Welcome to Altamonte Mall where dynamic components come together to create an amazing vibe that never stops. This mall isn’t just about shopping. Whether you’re a hard-core shopper or a people watcher, a mall walker or a stroller jockey, a connoisseur, an entertainment buff or a socialite, you’ve come to the right place. Our broad range of shopping, dining and entertainment options means there’s always something everyone can enjoy. What brings you today?

Download Altamonte Mall Club app today to gain access and information on your local shopping center owned and operated by General Growth Properties.

Altamonte Mall app gives you access to exclusive promotions, the best discounts and mall event information.

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Tap the Play-A-Day button for a chance to win a $50 Shop Etc. Mall Gift Card – EVERY DAY! Plus get a second chance to win by simply playing the game at the mall!